Day 07 Fri 04/07/14 Epernay - Nancy 233km
Distance km |
225 |
Elevation m |
2,140 |
Ave speed km/hr |
26.2 |
Max Speed km/hr |
64.7 |
Moving Time |
8:33 |
Total Time |
10:04 |
Ave Heart Rate |
125 |
Max Heart Rate |
156 |
Ave Cadence |
72 |
Calories burned |
3515 |
Temp Range |
15-27 |
A long day. 225km. 2 category 4 climbs right at the end. It rained quite a lot, but no major problems.
We passed some unbelievable graveyards from the unknown soldiers. "1 Soldat Inconnu. Mort Pour La France 1914-1918" Literally 1000's of these crosses. See photos. Makes you think.

Had my knee taped up today, as it was very sore last night, and the physio / masseuse advised it. Seemed to work as no pain today. Hoorah. Got to dash..... want to catch the 2nd half of Germany/France footy!!!
Posted by Ian
Friday, July 4, 2014 1:46:00 PM