Day 08 Sat 05/07/14 Tomblaine - Geradmer La Mauselaine 161km
Distance km |
177 |
Elevation m |
1830 |
Ave speed km/hr |
24.3 |
Max Speed km/hr |
60.6 |
Moving Time |
7:16 |
Total Time |
8:29 |
Ave Heart Rate |
125 |
Max Heart Rate |
161 |
Ave Cadence |
71 |
Calories burned |
3120 |
Temp Range |
11-19 |
Brief Description
It rained. All day. And it was windy at the start. We had to ride 15km to the start, hence the slightly longer ride from the official distance. 150km of easy peleton riding before 30km of two Cat 2 and 1 cat 3 climbs. A tough finish and a brutal insight to what lies ahead! Lunch stops were quick today....due to the rain. We were all soaked and cold. The organisers did a brilliant job of finding a makeshift food stop at 130km though, well sheltered. The final 30km we all basically rode alone spread out up the 3 short but steep climbs.
We are staying in a beautiful "youth hostel" type place, with bunk beds and shared showers etc. But the hostel is right on the finish line and the views are awesome (ski resort!). Sitting here now, enjoying the view....and relaxing. Waiting for dinner. Glorious.

We even finished in time to watch the Tour de France sprint finish. Hmmm. Shame for Cav. Strangely the weather in Yorkshire was gorgeous today, and we get pouring rain! Pah, it's just not fair. Everything is drying though, no problem. Really enjoying everything here, and so nice having all the food etc cooked for us. 
Its spag bol for dinner tonight. I'm starving! 2 more days till rest day!!!
Tomorrow looks like a shocker though. We start with a Cat 2 500m ascent, straight out the door. Up and down all day. And day10 is the famous "La Planche des Belles Filles" an enormous climb at the end where Froomey is expected to show his cards. I'll probably just be gritting my teeth and showing swollen neck veins!