Gorgeous Weather, Riding Every Day....... lovin' it !
Well I tell you what, its soooooooo much more fun riding in the good weather. I've done far too much in cold, wet, icy conditions, or grinding away on some Siberian static suffering cycle........ I'd almost forgotten cycling was a pleasure!
But after landing in the UK on Thursday (having a quick MRI scan on the knee) and basically being told to "toughen up soft lad" (but don't push too hard) I've been riding every day and having a great time in the new kit!
4 days, 4 big rides..... and planning to keep this up for at least 10 days (including the Tour of Wessex).
So here's the kit ....Shell sponsored factory rider!

And then the next day in my newly arrived Tour de Force Kit.....

Descending "Rapidly" in Tdf Kit...........................................and Ascending "Not So Rapidly", but still smiling!
But most importantly ENJOYING the pit stops with Adie and the lads in the Cotswolds.

That there is a Pain Au Chocolat, I'll have you know! It took us 120km and 3 pubs to find that.... and I even turned down a pint of bitter for some French lagery stuff. I call that dedicated (French) training. Hope you are proud of me?
On a more serious note here's what I've done, building up slowly confidence in the knee and trying not to push it too hard. (I've also been experimenting a bit with chamois cremes, and even tried a gel seat which I might put on for the first 40km each day to ease any "chaffing". Hmmm... and I read that the legs REALLY should be shaved (to ease the pain during massages in the eves apparently...... still a hung jury on this I have to admit!)
Thursday (landed in UK, MRI scan).
Friday Day 1: 150km (relatively flat 1,200m) steady ride.
Saturday Day 2: 100km (flat-ish but felt hillier, 650m, and with a hangover - well so would you after a month in Russia with no alcohol)
Sunday Day 3: 165km (hilly 2,200m) feeling more confident
Monday Day 4: 65km (hilly 700m) recovery ride ready for big ride tomorrow.
Tuesday Day 5: 180km of hills (2,000m) to Rogers and back......... (and I beat the rain.....just!)
Wednesday Day 6: 140km small hills (1,200m) .....Tired now.........sore bum too
2 days rest and then....... Tour of Wessex (3 days, 350 miles (550km) and lots of hills! If I can survive that I think I'll be OK!)
Charity total: A gnats whisker off 4,000 pounds, so doing really well. Always ready to accept more though (I want to try to raise 5,000 pounds as my stretched target), thats what we do all this training for (day in day out, rain or shine.) Thankyou !!!!