They say before a race you should rest. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Well this is a BIG RIDE, so I'm planning a BIG REST ! (2.5 weeks to be exact)
I am currently back in Russia, in amongst the bears and mosquitos. My bike is back home, with a new chain, sprockets (ooops, sorry they are called cassettes and chain rings apparently in the cycling world!), brake pads, tyres and all oiled up and ready to go. I've even packed my bag (sort of) ready to go because I get home on Thursday and go straight up to Leeds on Friday for LE GRAND DEPART on Saturday at 7am!
So yes, I've done all my training and packed all my bags. I will do a few easy 1 hour spin sessions in the gym 3 or 4 times a week just to keep the legs supple, but I see no point in doing much else. I felt really tired at the end of last months riding so I think "Rest is the Best" !!
I haven't shaved my legs, and I haven't bought white shoes......But I have nearly raised double the target. Currently at £4,350 so feeling pretty happy with that.
If you want to try to help me hit that magical £5,000 and really push me up the French's the link.....
thankyou, thankyou, thankyou 
Don't Forget: I hope to update this page almost EVERY DAY during the ride. So please have a look. I will fill a small table in with details of distance, height climbed, ave speed, time taken, heart rate and cadence - for all you bike boffins, and a couple of sentances describing my experiences; the views, the scenery, the food (and beer?)........ and the pain - for all the real world normal people out there!