.... the most wonderful thing. 
I woke up early this morning, only to watch England lose at football.
But after my email and facebook post yesterday I also woke up to see that over £1,000 had been added to the total from you....... my friends. Total now is £5,500. Update: 19th June.....£6,500 Amazing. I am so very, very lucky to have friends such as you. Thankyou. Your contributions mean a lot to me, and to others.
I absolutely promise I will push myself to the limit to achieve this little ride. I will be thinking of you, with a print of all your comments in my back pocket....... keeping me going. Heart felt thanks, dear friends.
Another update: Special thanks to Good Man Tim and his mate Dylan, who off their own backs organised (and then re-organised - yes red tape the world over it seems) an outdoor spin-a-thon in Mauritius!! This raised £300 for the WWMT. Glorious. Thanks guys 
Charity Web Page Update: Not wanting to forget what the real reason behind this ride is, I attach a link to Tour de Forces website, which has just been updated with some news from riders who have visited some of the charities the WWMT supports. You can read their short stories (only takes 2 mins) and hear REAL stories about the children YOU have helped. I think you will be inspired, and happy to see where your money has gone.